We are proud to announce the launch of, and present to you, our new product finishing website. Designed to showcase our range of innovate technical products for surface treatment, including spray booths, industrial curing ovens and powder coating solutions, this new website aligns with our core vision to expand into new markets, further developing our business and client base. With a more professional look and feel, complementing our redefined branding, we hope you like the style our new site and can find the information you are looking for.
Optimised for mobile, tablet and widescreen monitors, our new website is easy to navigate on all devices and will be continually updated with new pages, photos and videos from projects. We plan for the site to continually evolve in the coming months, so please check back for project case studies, our latest news and any press releases from our team. Moving forwards, we plan to post updates on social media, and although these won’t be regular, they will be informational and could be interesting for those in the product finishing sector. Please follow and like our profiles on social media, links to which can be found in our website footer.
All that leaves us to do is to thank our marketing agency, Web Studios Limited based in Lincolnshire. Chris and the team have worked tirelessly in the last few weeks to bring our website inline with the standards of our own products, and we are thrilled with the quality and finish of our new site. We look forward to working with the team to further promote our product ranges into new markets, locally, nationwide and internationally. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and partners, past, present and future for their business, and hope you enjoy our new site. Stephen and the rest of the team look forward to working with you all again soon.